Blog for Healthy Ankles

Blog for Healthy Ankles

Healing a Sprained Ankle

When you get a sprained ankle, there will be all kinds of damage. The ligaments in the foot, ankle and calf will be negatively affected. There may be swelling, bruising, pain and difficulty walking. It may seem like a minor injury, but we will explain why it is so [...]

Cure for Sprained Ankle

A sprained ankle is the most common sports related injury. It happens about 25,000 times a day. Unfortunately, most people think it's not a big deal and they use rest and ice and wait, which leads to long term chronic pain and other issues... Research shows that waiting for [...]

Sprained Ankle Treatment at Home

The best sprained ankle treatment at home is one that addresses the inherent damage and weakness caused by an ankle sprain. When your ankle first gets injured, it's going to swell and cause a lot of pain. You may be able to walk with a limp or you may [...]

High Ankle Sprain

A high ankle sprain, also knowns as a syndesmotic ankle sprain (SAS) is somewhat different than what most people consider a "normal" sprained ankle. A high ankle sprain occurs ABOVE the ankle joint, when the lower leg and foot twist outward (external rotation). Only about 15% of all sprained [...]

Strong Ankles

Strong ankles will give you good stability, balance, range of motion and the ability to generate power safely. This will not only improve overall movement and sports performance, but also dramatically reduce the risk of re-injury without the need for ankle braces, tape, etc... And since the ankles and [...]

How to Improve Balance

Why do Most People have Poor Balance? Balance refers to the ability to maintain a line of gravity within a base of support. In other words, it means the ability not to fall down. All you have to do is look at a one year old to see what [...]

How to Improve Agility for Sports Performance & Injury Protection

Agility refers to your ability to change direction safely and quickly. It is absolutely essential to sports performance and critical to keeping your body from getting injured. For example, poor agility is one of the #1 reasons people get sprained ankles... i.e. if your body cannot change direction safely, [...]

Kettlebell Split Squat

Pure Awesomeness! The split squat is one of my favorite exercises.... It works the entire body and has the added bonus of challenging ankle stability and overall balance. But, it really focuses in on the core and glutes/hips. And that has SO MANY BENEFITS... Mainly, it builds up strength [...]

Gordon Miller Healed his Ankle Fast

HEM CASE STUDY  Gordon Miller and The Spartan Beast. Gordon Miller was training for the epic Spartan race, but he had one problem...  a badly sprained ankle! Watch how Gordon applied HEM Ankle Rehab to heal his ankle FULLY & FAST! HEM CASE STUDY  Gordon [...]

A Sprained Ankle and Knee Pain

It may be very surprising to hear that the knees and ankles are closely related, but the simple fact is that a sprained ankle can lead to a serious knee injury or pain down the line... It may sound somewhat shocking that an injury that seems somewhat tame ( [...]

Athletic Shoes that can Lead to Sprained Ankles

I have a very different approach to shoes than most people. My experience has been that expensive athletic shoes today, for the most part, may seem scientific and modern, but they do not work well with the functionality of the body. In fact, they force the body into bad [...]

3 Secrets To Unlock Athletic Potential

I have spent years training celebrities and athletes to get them to the top of their game. Through years of experience, I learned the hard way what works and what doesn't. I have distilled all of this knowledge into 3 easy to follow steps that will unlock athletic potential [...]

Side Lunge

The side lunge is an extremely important exercise for improving knee and ankle stability as well as increasing glute strength. It is often overlooked as an exercise, because it involves moving laterally (side to side) and most people focus on front to back or up and down. In other [...]

Calf Raises

Calf raises are an extremely important exercises for strengthening the ankles and calves. Interestingly, few people actually do calf raises and even fewer know how to do them correctly. So, first, let me just tell why they are so important. The feet are what come into contact with the [...]

Ankle Braces Increase Sprains

Ankle braces increase sprains. Yes, I said it. Here comes another bold statement... in most cases, ankle braces are terrible for your ankles and the rest of your body, especially your knees. In other words, ankle braces can lead to more sprained [...]

5 Tips to Protect Your Ankles For Basketball

A sprained ankle is the #1 most common injury in basketball. Actually, it is the #1 most common sports related injury, period (25,000 a day or 9,000,000 a year). I have played basketball for many, many years and that means I have sprained my ankle many, many times. I [...]

Calf Stretch

A good calf stretch is vitally important to the ankles, feet and overall movement. Remember, your feet are what come into contact with the ground and tight calves will severely inhibit your ability to move safely and effectively. That puts your ankles at high risk for a sprain and [...]

HEM Ankle Rehab Free Download

I have seen a lot of people on the web asking about a HEM Ankle Rehab free download. Of course, everyone loves a good deal and nothing is better than free, right? But, I would ask you to consider the following points: It took years of research and work [...]

Is HEM Ankle Rehab a Scam?

I have seen a number of posts on the internet asking, "Is HEM Ankle Rehab a scam?" I do not take it personally and fully understand that most people are skeptical by nature. Believe me, I am too! So, let me address people's concerns and explain why HEM Ankle [...]

Sprained Ankle Rehab

No one person is exactly like anyone else. We are not robots. We all have our past injuries, habits and ways of moving that are unique... Plus, we all have our own fitness levels. And that means, we come to an injury differently than anyone else. Your threshold of pain [...]

A Sprained Ankle: The Most Common Injury

A sprained ankle is the most common sport's related injury. They happen across all sports, all ages and all fitness levels. Most people do not think of a sprained ankle as a serious injury. After all, most people feel okay again after 4 - 8 weeks even if they [...]

Derrick Rose : Did Ankle Sprains cause his Knee Injuries?

Everyone awaited the return of Derrick Rose with their breath held. He was one of the biggest stars of the NBA and an entire franchise (Chicago Bulls) needed him to elevate themselves to championship contenders. Yet, after just a few games, Derrick rose injured his other knee and is [...]

Treatment of a Sprained Ankle

A good sprained ankle treatment is the most important thing to consider after a sprain. Most people will tell you to just rest, ice, compress and elevate your ankle until you are able to walk again pain free. But, most physical therapists now recognize that this is a totally [...]

Healing Sprained Ankles Fully is SO important

Most people do not take the time to allow their body to properly and fully heal from an injury. It takes some persistence and time and you have to give the body the respect it deserves. But, most of the time, we rush back to life and sports way [...]

A Sprained Ankle can Lead to More Serious Injuries

A sprained ankle, if not healed properly, can and very often does lead to more injuries. Most people think a sprained ankle is a minor thing, unless they are sidelined for months. Obviously, it is not as serious as a torn ACL in the knee or other more serious [...]

Healing a Sprained Ankle

When you get a sprained ankle, there will be all kinds of damage. The ligaments in the foot, ankle and calf will be negatively affected. There may be swelling, bruising, pain and difficulty walking. [...]

Cure for Sprained Ankle

A sprained ankle is the most common sports related injury. It happens about 25,000 times a day. Unfortunately, most people think it's not a big deal and they use rest and ice and wait, [...]

Sprained Ankle Treatment at Home

The best sprained ankle treatment at home is one that addresses the inherent damage and weakness caused by an ankle sprain. When your ankle first gets injured, it's going to swell and cause a [...]

High Ankle Sprain

A high ankle sprain, also knowns as a syndesmotic ankle sprain (SAS) is somewhat different than what most people consider a "normal" sprained ankle. A high ankle sprain occurs ABOVE the ankle joint, when [...]

Strong Ankles

Strong ankles will give you good stability, balance, range of motion and the ability to generate power safely. This will not only improve overall movement and sports performance, but also dramatically reduce the risk [...]

How to Improve Balance

Why do Most People have Poor Balance? Balance refers to the ability to maintain a line of gravity within a base of support. In other words, it means the ability not to fall down. [...]

Kettlebell Split Squat

Pure Awesomeness! The split squat is one of my favorite exercises.... It works the entire body and has the added bonus of challenging ankle stability and overall balance. But, it really focuses in on [...]

Gordon Miller Healed his Ankle Fast

HEM CASE STUDY  Gordon Miller and The Spartan Beast. Gordon Miller was training for the epic Spartan race, but he had one problem...  a badly sprained ankle! Watch how Gordon applied HEM Ankle Rehab [...]

A Sprained Ankle and Knee Pain

It may be very surprising to hear that the knees and ankles are closely related, but the simple fact is that a sprained ankle can lead to a serious knee injury or pain down [...]

3 Secrets To Unlock Athletic Potential

I have spent years training celebrities and athletes to get them to the top of their game. Through years of experience, I learned the hard way what works and what doesn't. I have distilled [...]

Side Lunge

The side lunge is an extremely important exercise for improving knee and ankle stability as well as increasing glute strength. It is often overlooked as an exercise, because it involves moving laterally (side to [...]

Calf Raises

Calf raises are an extremely important exercises for strengthening the ankles and calves. Interestingly, few people actually do calf raises and even fewer know how to do them correctly. So, first, let me just [...]

Ankle Braces Increase Sprains

Ankle braces increase sprains. Yes, I said it. Here comes another bold statement... in most cases, ankle braces are terrible for your ankles and the rest of [...]

Calf Stretch

A good calf stretch is vitally important to the ankles, feet and overall movement. Remember, your feet are what come into contact with the ground and tight calves will severely inhibit your ability to [...]

HEM Ankle Rehab Free Download

I have seen a lot of people on the web asking about a HEM Ankle Rehab free download. Of course, everyone loves a good deal and nothing is better than free, right? But, I [...]

Is HEM Ankle Rehab a Scam?

I have seen a number of posts on the internet asking, "Is HEM Ankle Rehab a scam?" I do not take it personally and fully understand that most people are skeptical by nature. Believe [...]

Sprained Ankle Rehab

No one person is exactly like anyone else. We are not robots. We all have our past injuries, habits and ways of moving that are unique... Plus, we all have our own fitness levels. And [...]

Treatment of a Sprained Ankle

A good sprained ankle treatment is the most important thing to consider after a sprain. Most people will tell you to just rest, ice, compress and elevate your ankle until you are able to [...]