I have seen a lot of people on the web asking about a HEM Ankle Rehab free download. Of course, everyone loves a good deal and nothing is better than free, right? But, I would ask you to consider the following points:

  • It took years of research and work to create HEM Ankle Rehab
  • It took years to write the HEM ebook and create the step by step videos
  • I continually update the system with new information as it becomes available
  • HEM Ankle Rehab is an extremely valuable product and works as advertised
  • Our economy functions on the basis of people paying for useful products
  • Stealing is a crime, even if it is from a computer in your home

I understand that nothing is better than free, but I could not have afforded to create the HEM Ankle Rehab system if it was free. This is my chosen profession and it is how I support my family. I have spent years training and studying and learning how to help people. My goal has always been to help people, first and foremost. And I have given up more lucrative opportunities to make a living under that basic principle. But, if HEM Ankle Rehab was free or available illegally as a free download, then it would cause me, the author and creator of HEM, irreparable damage.

Let me put it this way… do you work for free? How would you feel if your employer or customers did not pay you for your work, because they prefer it to be free? Of course, we have seen the same thing in the music industry. But, in the end, who does illegal downloading really hurt? All of us as end users, because it forces creative people to shy away from providing the public with great products and content that makes our lives better.

Supporting digital products, including ebooks, online videos, music, movies, etc. by paying for them ensures they will continue to be readily available to everyone. As of this date, there is no HEM Ankle Rehab free download and that is as it should be. Anyone who downloads the ebook for free is committing a crime. While that same person would probably never walk into a store and steal something, I can assure you that it is the same thing.

I made sure to keep the price of HEM Ankle Rehab affordable for everyone. It is significantly cheaper than alternative treatment options. So, I sincerely hope you will appreciate my perspective and consider the value of HEM… We also offer unlimited support and a great forum where I personally answer all the questions. I have done my absolute best to provide you with incredible value for your hard earned money.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I wish you all the best with healing your sprained ankle and hope you will give HEM Ankle Rehab a try!

Pay once. Get lifetime access.

30 day money back guarantee


Results in First Week

Once I started HEM, the swelling and bruising subsided significantly and on the 4th day, I was walking comfortably again. I was shocked!
– Erikka Fernando

Results in First Week - Laurie Prindle

Thank you so much! It’s pretty amazing that I am doing as much as I am after a severe sprained ankle! Thanks for your support!!!
– Laurie Prindle


From the desk of Scott Malin, NASM-CPT
Creator, HEM Ankle Rehab
February 19, 2025

If you want to heal your ankle fully & fast…

And get back to doing what you love PAIN-FREE, without the fear of re-injury

This will be the most important thing you ever do for yourself.

Here’s why:

My name is Scott Malin and fifteen years ago, I had to give up what I love… playing basketball. It literally crushed me to give it up!!

But, I had sprained my ankles so many times that I could no longer play.

Every time it happened, I used R.I.C.E. (rest, ice elevation, compression), but my ankles took months to heal and just kept getting weaker and more painful.

I tried everything, including ankle braces, but they made my ankles even weaker and then my knees started hurting too!

When I sprained my ankle one last time and had to crawl off the court, I knew I was done.

That night, I sat in my apartment and cried.

I was in my early thirties and thought I had to give up what I loved for the rest of my life.

But, I had no other option…

My ankles were just way too weak, stiff and unstable and painkillers/ice did nothing anymore.

As I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, I remembered back to when I trained with a clinician for the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Soft Tissue Therapist for the Los Angeles Clippers.

I also thought about a revolutionary Naturopath that taught me so much about healing the body naturally.

Then, I came up with a crazy idea…

It instantly improved how my ankle felt.

And the more I did it, the better my ankle got.

By day 6, my ankle was 100% pain-free and felt stronger and more stable than BEFORE I got injured.


Afterward, I cried again, but they were tears of joy!!

When I told them what I did, my basketball buddies laughed and said I was crazy.

They called me a “dreamer”.

But, I didn’t care.

Because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I threw my ankle braces away.

After months of late nights, early mornings, and lots of trial and error…

I created a complete, at-home healing system with incredibly reliable results:

  • Heals new ankle injuries including ANY type and grade of ankle sprain.
  • Heals old ankle injuries that never fully healed.
  • Heals weak and unstable ankles.
  • Even heals most Achilles, calf and foot injuries!

Since I was a fitness trainer, I was able to help all my clients (celebrities and athletes) whenever they got injured (which happened a lot!).

I was even on the news a few times!!!

The response from my clients was so overwhelming that a few of them eventually convinced me to make it available to everyone.

And even though it is incredibly complete, I always wanted to keep it SUPER simple and easy to do.

So, just follow along with me on any device and that’s it!

You get instant access to all the videos, which are short and focused on quickly giving you the information you need.

I will show you the absolute BEST rehab techniques, exercises, stretches, activations, holistic techniques, prehab techniques, etc….

These are techniques you will NOT find online anywhere else.

You will learn the perfect form for everything to get the best possible results.

It has taken many years of incredibly hard and dedicated work, but I am so humbled that over 100,000 people have healed themselves fully and fast with my program.

If you don’t believe me, please, check out all the reviews, including video testimonials, before and after pictures, etc. from people of all ages.

And listen, I know you’re probably still skeptical. That’s totally fair…

That’s why we have a very simple, no hassle, 30 day money back guarantee, so it’s completely risk-free to give it a try right now.

I created this program, because I don’t want others to go through all the pain and misery that I did!!

I don’t want anyone else to give up what they love…

Life is too short!!!

And now, there’s an easy way you can heal yourself and get back to your life.

I wish you all the best and thank you!!

Pay once. Get lifetime access.

30 day money back guarantee

Pay once. Get lifetime access.

30 day money back guarantee


Results in First Week

Once I started HEM, the swelling and bruising subsided significantly and on the 4th day, I was walking comfortably again. I was shocked!
– Erikka Fernando

Results in First Week - Laurie Prindle

Thank you so much! It’s pretty amazing that I am doing as much as I am after a severe sprained ankle! Thanks for your support!!!
– Laurie Prindle


From the desk of Scott Malin, NASM-CPT
Creator, HEM Ankle Rehab
February 19, 2025

If you want to heal your ankle fully & fast…

And get back to doing what you love PAIN-FREE, without the fear of re-injury

This will be the most important thing you ever do for yourself.

Here’s why:

My name is Scott Malin and fifteen years ago, I had to give up what I love… playing basketball. It literally crushed me to give it up!!

But, I had sprained my ankles so many times that I could no longer play.

Every time it happened, I used R.I.C.E. (rest, ice elevation, compression), but my ankles took months to heal and just kept getting weaker and more painful.

I tried everything, including ankle braces, but they made my ankles even weaker and then my knees started hurting too!

When I sprained my ankle one last time and had to crawl off the court, I knew I was done.

That night, I sat in my apartment and cried.

I was in my early thirties and thought I had to give up what I loved for the rest of my life.

But, I had no other option…

My ankles were just way too weak, stiff and unstable and painkillers/ice did nothing anymore.

As I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, I remembered back to when I trained with a clinician for the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Soft Tissue Therapist for the Los Angeles Clippers.

I also thought about a revolutionary Naturopath that taught me so much about healing the body naturally.

Then, I came up with a crazy idea…

It instantly improved how my ankle felt.

And the more I did it, the better my ankle got.

By day 6, my ankle was 100% pain-free and felt stronger and more stable than BEFORE I got injured.


Afterward, I cried again, but they were tears of joy!!

When I told them what I did, my basketball buddies laughed and said I was crazy.

They called me a “dreamer”.

But, I didn’t care.

Because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I threw my ankle braces away.

After months of late nights, early mornings, and lots of trial and error…

I created a complete, at-home healing system with incredibly reliable results:

  • Heals new ankle injuries including ANY type and grade of ankle sprain.
  • Heals old ankle injuries that never fully healed.
  • Heals weak and unstable ankles.
  • Even heals most Achilles, calf and foot injuries!

Since I was a fitness trainer, I was able to help all my clients (celebrities and athletes) whenever they got injured (which happened a lot!).

I was even on the news a few times!!!

The response from my clients was so overwhelming that a few of them eventually convinced me to make it available to everyone.

And even though it is incredibly complete, I always wanted to keep it SUPER simple and easy to do.

So, just follow along with me on any device and that’s it!

You get instant access to all the videos, which are short and focused on quickly giving you the information you need.

I will show you the absolute BEST rehab techniques, exercises, stretches, activations, holistic techniques, prehab techniques, etc….

These are techniques you will NOT find online anywhere else.

You will learn the perfect form for everything to get the best possible results.

It has taken many years of incredibly hard and dedicated work, but I am so humbled that over 100,000 people have healed themselves fully and fast with my program.

If you don’t believe me, please, check out all the reviews, including video testimonials, before and after pictures, etc. from people of all ages.

And listen, I know you’re probably still skeptical. That’s totally fair…

That’s why we have a very simple, no hassle, 30 day money back guarantee, so it’s completely risk-free to give it a try right now.

I created this program, because I don’t want others to go through all the pain and misery that I did!!

I don’t want anyone else to give up what they love…

Life is too short!!!

And now, there’s an easy way you can heal yourself and get back to your life.

I wish you all the best and thank you!!

Pay once. Get lifetime access.

30 day money back guarantee


Average rating:  
 194 reviews
 by Faith Washington on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer

Just got your videos for the holistic rehab the other day. It has already helped and I am so grateful as I know Drs want to cut you open and ask questions later. My left ankle is very badly sprained, completely black and purple and swollen half way up my calf. I am an athlete and have zero intentions of being cut on now or in the future! It was a major eversion off a curb and I just want it to get back to normal. Thanks so much for putting this HEM ankle rehab together, it's a godsend! Have a beautiful day.

Warm regards,

Faith Washington BSPharm, RPh, CSCS, CPT

 by Loren Axberg on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer
blowing my mind

Hey there,

I literally purchased this program about 20 minutes ago, and now having gotten partially through the videos... The content is already blowing my mind and I feel like this will be information I'll carry with me the rest of my life... Thank you for this info! Clearly you are a master of PT.

 by Orhun Oktar on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer
very beneficial

Hello Mr. Malin,

I want to thank you for this website. In the end of november, I sprained my ankle and my doctor said that there is an avulsion fracture in my ankle(ATFL). I had really hard times after this incident. When I was looking for how to heal fast, I saw your website. I tried to do as much as different exercises that you showed. Now I face some difficulties during my daily life due to my foot but swelling is decreasing everyday thanks to exercises. Especially, the video about how to activate ankle is very beneficial for me.

Thanks for your support both mentally and physically.

Orhun Oktar, Electrical and Electronics Engineer

 by Dillon Tidwell on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer

Your program is great. I actually broke one ankle and sprained the other. I just got the cast off and will begin rehab on that ankle now.

 by Hennie Prinsloo on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer
Used on 3 injuries successfully

I bought your Hem Ankle program in 2018 and used it very successfully with THREE ankle injuries. I am also interested to buy the programme for knees etc.

Page 1 of 39:

Pay once. Get lifetime access.

30 day money back guarantee


Average rating:  
 194 reviews
 by Faith Washington on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer

Just got your videos for the holistic rehab the other day. It has already helped and I am so grateful as I know Drs want to cut you open and ask questions later. My left ankle is very badly sprained, completely black and purple and swollen half way up my calf. I am an athlete and have zero intentions of being cut on now or in the future! It was a major eversion off a curb and I just want it to get back to normal. Thanks so much for putting this HEM ankle rehab together, it's a godsend! Have a beautiful day.

Warm regards,

Faith Washington BSPharm, RPh, CSCS, CPT

 by Loren Axberg on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer
blowing my mind

Hey there,

I literally purchased this program about 20 minutes ago, and now having gotten partially through the videos... The content is already blowing my mind and I feel like this will be information I'll carry with me the rest of my life... Thank you for this info! Clearly you are a master of PT.

 by Orhun Oktar on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer
very beneficial

Hello Mr. Malin,

I want to thank you for this website. In the end of november, I sprained my ankle and my doctor said that there is an avulsion fracture in my ankle(ATFL). I had really hard times after this incident. When I was looking for how to heal fast, I saw your website. I tried to do as much as different exercises that you showed. Now I face some difficulties during my daily life due to my foot but swelling is decreasing everyday thanks to exercises. Especially, the video about how to activate ankle is very beneficial for me.

Thanks for your support both mentally and physically.

Orhun Oktar, Electrical and Electronics Engineer

 by Dillon Tidwell on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer

Your program is great. I actually broke one ankle and sprained the other. I just got the cast off and will begin rehab on that ankle now.

 by Hennie Prinsloo on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer
Used on 3 injuries successfully

I bought your Hem Ankle program in 2018 and used it very successfully with THREE ankle injuries. I am also interested to buy the programme for knees etc.

Page 1 of 39:

Pay once. Get lifetime access.

30 day money back guarantee

Pay once. Get lifetime access.

30 day money back guarantee


Results in First Week

Once I started HEM, the swelling and bruising subsided significantly and on the 4th day, I was walking comfortably again. I was shocked!
– Erikka Fernando

Results in First Week - Laurie Prindle

Thank you so much! It’s pretty amazing that I am doing as much as I am after a severe sprained ankle! Thanks for your support!!!
– Laurie Prindle


From the desk of Scott Malin, NASM-CPT
Creator, HEM Ankle Rehab
February 19, 2025

If you want to heal your ankle fully & fast…

And get back to doing what you love PAIN-FREE, without the fear of re-injury

This will be the most important thing you ever do for yourself.

Here’s why:

My name is Scott Malin and fifteen years ago, I had to give up what I love… playing basketball. It literally crushed me to give it up!!

But, I had sprained my ankles so many times that I could no longer play.

Every time it happened, I used R.I.C.E. (rest, ice elevation, compression), but my ankles took months to heal and just kept getting weaker and more painful.

I tried everything, including ankle braces, but they made my ankles even weaker and then my knees started hurting too!

When I sprained my ankle one last time and had to crawl off the court, I knew I was done.

That night, I sat in my apartment and cried.

I was in my early thirties and thought I had to give up what I loved for the rest of my life.

But, I had no other option…

My ankles were just way too weak, stiff and unstable and painkillers/ice did nothing anymore.

As I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, I remembered back to when I trained with a clinician for the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Soft Tissue Therapist for the Los Angeles Clippers.

I also thought about a revolutionary Naturopath that taught me so much about healing the body naturally.

Then, I came up with a crazy idea…

It instantly improved how my ankle felt.

And the more I did it, the better my ankle got.

By day 6, my ankle was 100% pain-free and felt stronger and more stable than BEFORE I got injured.


Afterward, I cried again, but they were tears of joy!!

When I told them what I did, my basketball buddies laughed and said I was crazy.

They called me a “dreamer”.

But, I didn’t care.

Because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I threw my ankle braces away.

After months of late nights, early mornings, and lots of trial and error…

I created a complete, at-home healing system with incredibly reliable results:

  • Heals new ankle injuries including ANY type and grade of ankle sprain.
  • Heals old ankle injuries that never fully healed.
  • Heals weak and unstable ankles.
  • Even heals most Achilles, calf and foot injuries!

Since I was a fitness trainer, I was able to help all my clients (celebrities and athletes) whenever they got injured (which happened a lot!).

I was even on the news a few times!!!

The response from my clients was so overwhelming that a few of them eventually convinced me to make it available to everyone.

And even though it is incredibly complete, I always wanted to keep it SUPER simple and easy to do.

So, just follow along with me on any device and that’s it!

You get instant access to all the videos, which are short and focused on quickly giving you the information you need.

I will show you the absolute BEST rehab techniques, exercises, stretches, activations, holistic techniques, prehab techniques, etc….

These are techniques you will NOT find online anywhere else.

You will learn the perfect form for everything to get the best possible results.

It has taken many years of incredibly hard and dedicated work, but I am so humbled that over 100,000 people have healed themselves fully and fast with my program.

If you don’t believe me, please, check out all the reviews, including video testimonials, before and after pictures, etc. from people of all ages.

And listen, I know you’re probably still skeptical. That’s totally fair…

That’s why we have a very simple, no hassle, 30 day money back guarantee, so it’s completely risk-free to give it a try right now.

I created this program, because I don’t want others to go through all the pain and misery that I did!!

I don’t want anyone else to give up what they love…

Life is too short!!!

And now, there’s an easy way you can heal yourself and get back to your life.

I wish you all the best and thank you!!

Pay once. Get lifetime access.

30 day money back guarantee


Average rating:  
 194 reviews
 by Faith Washington on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer

Just got your videos for the holistic rehab the other day. It has already helped and I am so grateful as I know Drs want to cut you open and ask questions later. My left ankle is very badly sprained, completely black and purple and swollen half way up my calf. I am an athlete and have zero intentions of being cut on now or in the future! It was a major eversion off a curb and I just want it to get back to normal. Thanks so much for putting this HEM ankle rehab together, it's a godsend! Have a beautiful day.

Warm regards,

Faith Washington BSPharm, RPh, CSCS, CPT

 by Loren Axberg on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer
blowing my mind

Hey there,

I literally purchased this program about 20 minutes ago, and now having gotten partially through the videos... The content is already blowing my mind and I feel like this will be information I'll carry with me the rest of my life... Thank you for this info! Clearly you are a master of PT.

 by Orhun Oktar on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer
very beneficial

Hello Mr. Malin,

I want to thank you for this website. In the end of november, I sprained my ankle and my doctor said that there is an avulsion fracture in my ankle(ATFL). I had really hard times after this incident. When I was looking for how to heal fast, I saw your website. I tried to do as much as different exercises that you showed. Now I face some difficulties during my daily life due to my foot but swelling is decreasing everyday thanks to exercises. Especially, the video about how to activate ankle is very beneficial for me.

Thanks for your support both mentally and physically.

Orhun Oktar, Electrical and Electronics Engineer

 by Dillon Tidwell on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer

Your program is great. I actually broke one ankle and sprained the other. I just got the cast off and will begin rehab on that ankle now.

 by Hennie Prinsloo on HEM Ankle Rehab, verified buyer
Used on 3 injuries successfully

I bought your Hem Ankle program in 2018 and used it very successfully with THREE ankle injuries. I am also interested to buy the programme for knees etc.

Page 1 of 39: